This was very good! I kind of expected it would go in the direction it did, but at the beginning I allowed myself to believe that it was a game about someone’s honest religious experience. I thought, “that’s OK. I can deal with games about the religious experience as long as they don’t insult me.” So I was actually kind of “in the right place” with my disbelief nicely suspending, feeling like “yeah, I _do_ hear His voice.” When the doubts started to hit.
And they start so subtly! This is really a very nice offering and I’m glad to have played it.
Fair point David, but in all honesty I’m kind of undecided about those experiences.
It’s a part of my life that I don’t fully understand yet. I was a Christian, I gradually ‘devolved’ as it were (it wasn’t a sudden ‘aha’ moment like for many – often due to some kind of abuse of power by leadership) and now I’m a non-Christian.
But how I view that period of my life, what do I think now about what I was REALLY thinking? How did I REALLY feel? What was REALLY going on? I’m not sure, and so starting to do these Twine games is a way for me to explore it actually, and this one helped.
I’m also wary of not wanting to start any massive flame wars with people (given how religion makes feelings run pretty damn high). However, I’m going to have to overcome that I think if I’m going to be real and honest.
Thanks for your interest! I promise I’ll be doing more of these in the future!
Nice! I’ll be waiting for the post-mortem.
The animation effects seem to resonate with the tone in such a way that I have opinions about this character’s particular form of pride. Well done.
This was very good! I kind of expected it would go in the direction it did, but at the beginning I allowed myself to believe that it was a game about someone’s honest religious experience. I thought, “that’s OK. I can deal with games about the religious experience as long as they don’t insult me.” So I was actually kind of “in the right place” with my disbelief nicely suspending, feeling like “yeah, I _do_ hear His voice.” When the doubts started to hit.
And they start so subtly! This is really a very nice offering and I’m glad to have played it.
Thanks for the feedback guys! Only just found out about my entry here because someone tweeted about it.
Thanks Stephen for including me on the database (feeling encouraged). 😀
David – you can see the post-mortem at my website now.
Great post-mortem! 😀 Though I’m sure many of us expected a deeper look into your personal experiences with faith.
Fair point David, but in all honesty I’m kind of undecided about those experiences.
It’s a part of my life that I don’t fully understand yet. I was a Christian, I gradually ‘devolved’ as it were (it wasn’t a sudden ‘aha’ moment like for many – often due to some kind of abuse of power by leadership) and now I’m a non-Christian.
But how I view that period of my life, what do I think now about what I was REALLY thinking? How did I REALLY feel? What was REALLY going on? I’m not sure, and so starting to do these Twine games is a way for me to explore it actually, and this one helped.
I’m also wary of not wanting to start any massive flame wars with people (given how religion makes feelings run pretty damn high). However, I’m going to have to overcome that I think if I’m going to be real and honest.
Thanks for your interest! I promise I’ll be doing more of these in the future!
I’ll be reading them! (But don’t feel pressured to share what you don’t want to.)
Thank you for creating this. I relate to it a lot, especially the part at the end where you’re like an outsider.