Monthly Archives: March 2012

Apollo 18+20 (Various Authors)

Twenty years ago this March, They Might Be Giants released the album Apollo 18. I’d like to create a kind of interactive fiction tribute album, i.e., a set of games, each inspired by a track on the album. And I’d like your help![Project announcement]

Stephen and I played these games this evening – here are a few we particularly liked:

[01. Dig My Grave by Ryan Veeder]
[12. Which Describes How You’re Feeling by Adam Parrish]
[17. Fingertips: Everything Is Catching on Fire by E. Joyce]
[19. Fingertips: I Hear the Wind Blow by Jacqueline A. Lott]
[24. Fingertips: Aren’t You the Guy Who Hit Me in the Eye? by Michael Hilborn]
[35. Fingertips: I’m Having a Heart Attack by Andrew Schultz]

[All 38 games]

If you like any of the other games in the collection, feel free to leave a recommendation in the comments!

Tape Dream (gargonherd)

“I was in a strange old building, seemed like a warehouse-turned-fleamarket. It seemed really big even though I only remember a few rooms.”[Author description]

[Play online (Unity)]
[Download for Windows]
[Download for Mac]

Leave Me Alone (David R. Lorentz)

This game is called Leave Me Alone. It’s about those sad times when life feels overwhelming..[Author description]

[Play online (Flash)]

p.i.g. (Zillix)

It’s a puzzle platformer with portals. The portals act like tunnels: the player places one end of some blocks, and another portal opens at the end of the blocks. [Author description]

[Play online (Flash)]

Mutation (gargonherd)

MUTATION is a game of time and space. It is a rotting tomb filled with unpleasant sights. You will despise your body as you change into something you don’t quite understand. It is misery, it is alienation, it is MUTATION.[Author description]

[Play online (Unity)]

Know Your Fruit (LuzGames)

Play the quiz now and set an exotic high score.[Author’s description]

[Play online (Flash)]

Alone (Christopher Nilssen)

WASD or arrow keys to move. QE to strafe.
Mouse clicks to interact.
Go be with your friends.
[Author description]

[Play online (Unity)]

A Brief History of Cambodia (Jordan Magnuson)

A small sketch about the history of Cambodia. Takes a few minutes to play through, and requires no gaming skills. – [Author’s description]

[Play online (Flash)]

Time4MoreCat (Megadev)

Thanks for playing and we hope you enjoy this sequel to Time4Cat! – [Author description]

[Play online (Flash)]

Epic Sax Game (Pippin Barr)

Daaaah! Dah dahdah dahdah-dah! Dah dahdah dahdah-dah! Daaaaaahdah daaaaaadah dah dah dah dah dah![Author Description]

[Play online (Flash)]