Kids_ (Foster Wattles)

A short interactive narrative. – [Author’s Description]

[Play online (Flash)]


  1. Boring. That’s all I can say. The game had no distinct goal. Most of the time I was just holding down the right arrow key. 😐

  2. I feel like the secondary button was there to make some kind of commentary on conventional menu and journal systems, but you saw them so briefly the point never really sunk in.

    His earlier game, Icarus, had a similar point, where the underlying ‘point’ was revealed through play, but I felt that in this instance the connection between the two states was too esoteric to have much emotional impact.

    I still enjoyed the playthough though, I hope Foster Wattles comes back to these ideas in a future titles.

  3. Yeah, ultimately I didn’t get anything from this. If you ask me what the author intended me to feel after playing it, I couldn’t tell you. There were some visuals which were intriguing, but…eh.