Bl1nd (Shaun Lebron)


[…]but you’re not alone.[Author’s description]

[Play Online]


  1. This is really neat.

    I’m finding myself going back and forth on whether the instruction to hold shift at the title screen was a good idea or not (and, likewise, allowing it during the freeplay mode). That first time you see the effect you’re not quite yet equipped to understand its implications — and so it’s at that point innocuous — but upon returning to it after playing (and, especially, if playing around in freeplay mode) it cuts the sense of magic, no longer being forced to build up the mental model yourself, no longer having any reason to wonder if your mental model actually matches that of the game’s.

    • to be honest, if i hadnt had that when i was first playing, i would have had no idea what was going on. I still barely did.

      It took me forever to realize (SPOILER?) that there was objects behind the 2 initial objects in hide and seek. I thought if i walked far enough away from them i would see something new

    • Thanks for actually spelling out your thoughts on the main screen design before and after playing. I definitely wanted to communicate exactly how the 1D screen was computed in order to reach the most people with this idea. But I can see how it kills the magic and takes you out of the “blindness” role. I will need to balance those things for the full version. Thanks again.

      • After taking Matthew’s experience into consideration, it crossed my mind that keeping the shift key active where it is but not allowing movement while holding it down might form a middle ground, still a bit mysterious but also still offering a bit of a hint to those in need of one.

  2. Would like to see a few more levels.

  3. Sorry, the link went dead. Here’s the updated url!