That was bizarre, the author definitely gives you just enough to get a feeling across while leaving you wondering about the specific details of this world he’s made. Good stuff!
Also in the title art is that his back-leg or his ween?
Loved it. The neurosis of your protagonist, the descriptive prose, the deliciously cynical television ramblings of a society-turned-dystopia. I have played once so far and managed to get locked up in jail for life. Super Hans is out there somewhere, roaming the streets for food! I hope my little buddy is making it!
And I will most certainly play the sequel, Centaur Master!
hiors……..horsem ats…..rerrrr……..
Consult the Wiki to correctly min-max your Horse.
What the actual fuck did I just play. I mean. What.
That was bizarre, the author definitely gives you just enough to get a feeling across while leaving you wondering about the specific details of this world he’s made. Good stuff!
Also in the title art is that his back-leg or his ween?
Daaaaaannggg this is amazing.
this is perfect
i am not a HORSE MASTER but a HORSE SLAVE…
Loved it. The neurosis of your protagonist, the descriptive prose, the deliciously cynical television ramblings of a society-turned-dystopia. I have played once so far and managed to get locked up in jail for life. Super Hans is out there somewhere, roaming the streets for food! I hope my little buddy is making it!
And I will most certainly play the sequel, Centaur Master!