Return to the Sky (Samir Patel, Devin Jensen, Andrew Street, Garrin de Nobrega, Joseph Kichline, Pearce Bergh, Brendan Rebbetoy, Kiem Lam, Nall Coursey, Devin Brom, Kori Loomis)

Unable to stay in the sky Polaris is torn from her home by the monster and now must escape it before can consume her.[Author’s description]

[Download for Windows]


  1. love the giant purple skull

  2. psychosmiley777

    Nerd³ brought me here

  3. The gameplay’s nothing new, first level pretty much gives you an idea of what the whole game’s like. But there’s no denying this is very good looking, has a nice narration and never quite gets boring at all.

  4. :mrgreen: GREAT game…IF I KNEW HOW TO PLAY IT!!!! 👿

  5. One problem i have is that the background stays at the same height when you jump. It feels a little nauseating.