note: if you reach a screen that you think is the ending but you’re not sure, you’re not at the end. you haven’t reached the ending until the game literally tells you it’s the “end” =)
arrow keys to move
z to jump
r to ??
x to start – [Author’s description]
This is good but caused my computer fan to quickly accelerate to worryingly loud speeds. This increased the feeling of rising terror in a way that future generations will probably sadly miss out on.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!holy fucking shit
Disturbing, disorienting and delightful.
BEAT IT. Jeez, that was a trip.
Great game. Reminds me a bit of Venture.
Got to the overgrow garden room and couldn’t figure out how to progress. There’s also a yellow spot on the wall that lets you bug your way into the top of the other side of the room.