icefishing v (Nate Gallardo)

icefishingsound-art exploration game and interactive album, inspired by noise, glitch, drone and ambient music[Author’s description]

[Download for Windows]
[Download for Mac]


  1. Really engaging and atmospheric game. The sound especially sucks you right in, and the abstract 3D is very beautiful.

  2. Super glitchy
    Super dark
    Super twisted
    Super mysterious
    Super fun 🙂

  3. Yesss… I can always use more ambient-noise soundscapes in my life.

  4. Link temporarily disabled! Pretty eager to try.

  5. i really want to try this. when can the dropbox link come back?

  6. huzzah! just finished, was a fantastic experience, had a similar aesthetic to “Telos” (also worth checking out!) i thought the noise could have been a bit more harsh tho, was lots of friendly tones and beeps, needed some more doom and distortion 😉

  7. oops, by “telos” i actually meant “Obsolete”
    getting my indie game wires all muddled


  8. Really strong. I especially like how the puzzle-solving aspect is absolutely tied to the aesthetic discovery of each section, never merely layered on top of it. Each stage switches up just enough tiny parts to feel like a different verse of a same piece, and there is a musical/improvisatory element to the play itself that is interesting to toy with. One of the most beautifully unified experiences I had in a while.