This is great. Much, much trickier than I would have expected. (3 and 4 were a breeze after training for 2, but level 5 I haven’t become coordinated enough to handle yet. Something about its arrangement in a square makes this much harder for me to keep straight than it would be if it were arranged in a row. That’s sort of interesting.)
This is great. Much, much trickier than I would have expected. (3 and 4 were a breeze after training for 2, but level 5 I haven’t become coordinated enough to handle yet. Something about its arrangement in a square makes this much harder for me to keep straight than it would be if it were arranged in a row. That’s sort of interesting.)
This works pretty well as a ‘traumatic childhood music lesson’ simulator.
oh god thats a perfect comparison ahahha
My brain doesn’t work this way.
But this is really good.
And very yeah.
I think I would like this even if it weren’t made by my old math teacher, but as it stands I think it’s fantastic.
He’s trying to make you learn! Run!
This is terribly irritating. Even in relaxed mode.