Use i/k to navigate between the demons as best as possible and spam Major Health Potions, but make sure you can use an Invulnerability potion when you get to the wall. As you fight the wall keep spamming health potions.
Second wave: look for a line of only ghosts, use an imp to blast through them. Use an invulnerability potion on the wall again.
Third wave: Same strategy as second. Use invulnerability when you get to the devil.
I have 38285753 lollipops right now fyi
Eat all the candies
This has activated my sense of wonder. Love it. Comparable to Frog Fractions, I’d say.
Indeed, many shades of Frog Fractions here, but this one is far more… cohesive. Not necessarily better or worse. I love it.
this is good this is very good
I’m incredibly surprised that this didn’t get the highly recommended tag.
Gah, can’t figure out the last frog question.
Game is still fun to have in the background.
it’s a bit twisted.
A hint:
I think it’s kind of a bug that imps only attack enemies, so you can be forced to quit a quest if you accidentally put an imp between you and a wall.
I’m so going to sleep with my PC on tonight.
All helpers attack things in front of them. Imps are just the weakest helper, so it might take a while to get through a wall.
Why isn’t this highly recommended yet dammit?
this feels like some sort of awful social experiment
is there an easy way to beat hell?
im only missing three items in the inventory at the moment
don’t think so. imps are good for ghosts, don’t forget you can move up/down. also cheating is ok.
How can I move up/down?
it’s hell-only – there should be instructions
It’s a bit late after your question so you probably already beat Hell, but I’ll leave this guide for future readers:
I know now: with I and K keys. But you have to click inside the battle arena to get them work.