rainwalkers (nuprahtor)


WASD – movement
Mouse – camera view
Left Mouse Button – action
Right Mouse Button – proceed dialog
1 – write “I’m here” message
2 – write “Hello” message
3 – write “Rain” message
4 – write “Farewell” message[Author’s description]

[Play Online]


  1. Rain Rain Rain


  2. I’m Here
    I’m Here
    I’m Here
    I’m Here

  3. Is there actually a multiplayer component here, or is the author just screwing with us?

  4. Beautiful look and feel.

  5. Hmmm. Sounds are annoying as hell and still all alone. Anyone actually meet anyone?

  6. I didn’t meet anyone, but the premise is cool and the space feels good to inhabit. With a slightly less sensitive mouse-look the movement would feel just right.