The High Cost of Social Interaction (Emily Jane (Rachel))

high cost

I made a twine game that simulates what it’s like for me to deal with social anxiety. – [Author’s description]

[Play Online]


  1. I gotta admit, I’m kind of getting sick of people using Twine to create journal entries.

    • how dare people make games about things that matter to them

    • Hi, I’m the creator of this game. I understand that this isn’t everyone’s deal. But it isn’t a journal entry, it’s a social anxiety sim. A flight sim isn’t a pilot’s journal entry. And your complaint boils down to a fan of FPS complaining that a game site has an RPG on it. Not every game is meant to cater to everyone. If you have some substantial criticism that would help me make future games better, I would be glad to hear it.I did not post this game, though I am flattered that Porpentine did.

      • If it makes you feel any better, I really enjoyed this. It really hit the nail on the head for me… I wish it was longer, but I can understand how working on something like this would suck after a while. Thanks for the game though. : )

      • Actually it was my deal. I enjoyed it very much, and it summed up my experiences at my worst moments of depression. I also thought some of the interactivity in your story was really unique and enjoyable.
        That said I still can’t see it as a game, but that probably belongs to the argument that the term “game” could use a little reworking to cater for current standards and definitions.
        My criticism wasn’t aimed at your work at all, and was just me being a boorish asshole because of circumstantial weariness.