Ahoge – Space Travel (ZIINA)

And gate space travel is stupid

Space travel is the gate of the work participation events make the game stupid ridiculous. If travel is a good game as far as possible in the universe.

Will ‘destroy’ the planet with a barrage like the space key.
※ this game is the actual distance of the planet does not matter.
BGM soul devil credit

This game is ridiculous events make the game along with us to die in 24 hours, it is the work participation stupid gate. – [Google translate of author’s description]

[Play online (Flash)]


  1. Is there any strategy here beyond hitting the spacebar as quickly as possible? (The shot counter in the upper-right makes me think I might be missing something?)

    • I feel like the idea is to get as far as you can while firing as few shots as possible. So if you fire too rapidly, or fire too early, one of your bullets will hit the top of the screen rather than a target and will be wasted. But if you wait too late to fire in the later areas you’ll hit the target before you can break it open. So optimal play here would involve memorizing how many shots each obstacle takes and firing exactly that many as soon as possible.

      I think I would like this if it wasn’t I could feel the game giving me carpal tunnel as I played D:

      • It’s probably worth pointing out that this game was made for a “make a stupid game in 24 hours” competition. With that perspective, I found this quite funny!

        • It had a lovely feel to it, if there were autofire I would have just sat there and watched it for long periods.

        • Oh, I didn’t mean my comment as a critique. I like it on that simple visceral level just fine. I was just worried I might have missed something.

          (Also, I *think* the whole field of planets exists off screen and bullets aren’t destroyed when leaving the screen, so I’m not sure there’s even that bit of strategy involved.)

        • so basically a japanese Glorious Trainwrecks.