This is a game about Nausea. Created for local Russian competition. Theme of compo – “White silence”. Translated by The Bad. – [Author’s blog post]
[Unity WebPlayer version]
This is a game about Nausea. Created for local Russian competition. Theme of compo – “White silence”. Translated by The Bad. – [Author’s blog post]
At first I was like “meh, too much text”, but the twist made me rethink about my judgment. Really interesting work, thanks for sharing Terry.
That was really good! 🙂
I think I’m not getting the point of the twist at the end…
Have you found all three endings?
This game was xAMAZINGx!
😐 I’m sorry I played the first time, i got to the phonograph and then something happened and it said that I was going insane. /:
If you make a game, you make it open so that people of all thought processing minds can understand it.
My opinion: Nicely done, story is nice, but completely confusing and mind-fucking. Graphics are atmospheric and the music is brilliant.